Effect Hello World

Let's come back to index.ts:

import { Console, Effect } from "effect";

const main = Console.log("Hello world");


This is the "Hello World" of effect, equivalent to console.log.

We can already notice the first major difference with effect programs: in effect defining the app (main) and executing it (Effect.runSync) are two separate actions.

We explicitly execute, meaning that effects don't run eagerly like console.log does!

/// 1️⃣ Define the `main` app
const main = Console.log("Hello world");

/// 2️⃣ Execute app

Why is that?

An Effect is a description of a series of operations:

  • console.log executes some effect and returns void
  • Console.log only describes what will happen without executing any effect
/// 👇 `native` is `void`, the effect has already been executed!
/// This operation already "did" something!
const native: void = console.log("Hello world");

/// 👇 `effect` is `Effect<void>`, it describe something that when executed returns `void`
/// This only describes what should happen, it didn't do anything yet
const effect: Effect<void> = Console.log("Hello world");

Effect alone does not execute any logic. Instead, you need to explicitly call a run* method (in this example runSync).

This is similar to storing a function instead of executing it:

/// 1️⃣ Define the `main` app
const main = () => console.log("Hello World");

/// 2️⃣ Execute app (explicitly)

Functional effects are immutable data structures that merely describe sequences of operations.

They have to be explicitly run to execute real effects.

How Console.log works

Console.log is a function that returns Effect<void>.

In practice this means that Console.log, when executed, returns void:

// 👇 Definition
const main: Effect<void> = Console.log("Hello world");

// 👇 Execution
Effect.runSync(main); // void

Again, this is similar to a function that when executed prints in the console:

type Program<T> = () => T;

// 👇 Definition
const main: Program<void> = () => console.log("Hello World");

// 👇 Execution
main(); // void

Effect.runSync takes as input an Effect and runs it synchronously.

Result: run a sync program that prints the string "Hello World" and returns void:

  • "run a sync program...": Effect.runSync
  • "...that prints the string "Hello World"...": Console.log("Hello World")
  • "...and returns void": Effect<void>
import { Console, Effect } from "effect";

const main = Console.log("Hello world");

> effect-getting-started-course@1.0.0 dev
> tsx src/index.ts

Hello world