Exit: access defects

When we run an Effect we get back the success type (first type parameter).

But what happens if we don't handle one of the expected errors (second type parameter)?

const main = fetchRequest.pipe(
    FetchError: () => Effect.succeed("Fetch error"),
    // JsonError: () => Effect.succeed("Json error"),

We are not recovering from JsonError anymore. If a JsonError does occur now effect will throw.

We can avoid this situation by using runPromiseExit instead of runPromise:

const main = fetchRequest.pipe(
    FetchError: () => Effect.succeed("Fetch error"),
    // JsonError: () => Effect.succeed("Json error"),


runPromiseExit instead of throwing returns Exit:

export type Exit<A, E = never> = Success<A, E> | Failure<A, E>

When running an Effect<A, E>, Exit contains either a Success<A> (first type parameter) or a Failure<E>.

Specifically, the Failure returned by runPromiseExit contains a Cause<E>:

export type Cause<E> = Empty | Fail<E> | Die | Interrupt | Sequential<E> | Parallel<E>

When we don't recover from an error and running the effect fails Cause will contains a Fail<E>.

Cause then allows to deal with unexpected errors.

Let's see how next.