What are configuration variables

The API request works, but there is still much room for improvement.

The PokéApi endpoint url is still hardcoded inside fetchRequest:

const fetchRequest = Effect.tryPromise({
  ///              👇 Hardcoded endpoint url
  try: () => fetch("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/garchomp/"),
  catch: () => new FetchError(),

This may cause problems:

  • Hard to find source API url
  • Risk of code duplication
  • No way to change this value when testing

Those problems have the potential to make testing difficult and the code a lot less easy to understand and maintain. No good. Let's fix all these with effect!

What are configuration values

Configuration values are usually constants extracted from the process (process.env) or hardcoded at build time.

It's useful to organize all these values in one place, so that we can inspect and update them at a glance.

As an example, for environmental variables you usually create a .env file. You can then inject different configurations for different environments (.env.development or .env.testing).

Here is an example of .env file that I use for this website:


In our example, the PokéApi base url "https://pokeapi.co" is such a constant.